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tamoadmin 2024-09-02
1.跪求2008奥运开幕式上雅克·罗格的演讲稿2.悉尼奥运会开幕式致辞中文版3.急需一篇 如你是小学生,要你在奥运会开幕式上致辞,你会怎么写?跪求2008奥运



3.急需一篇 如你是小学生,要你在奥运会开幕式上致辞,你会怎么写?











G'day Sydney G'day Australia!

Yes, the Olymipic Games are back down under!

Tonight we are gathered together to celebrate the Games of the new millennium, the athletes' Games, a unique tradition that can trace its origins back over 2500 years to ancient Olympia.

Welcome to the athletes of the world!

Welcome to 28 International Sports Federations and 199 national Olympic Committees!

Our gratitude goes:

·to the people and of Australia, New South Wales, Sydney and all other communities involved, for their friendly welcome and hospitality;

·to Sydney 2000 for the excellent preparation of the Games;

·to the Australian Olympic Committee for its dedication to Olympism;

·to the thousands of volunteers for their exceptional services. You he made the Games possible. Thank you.

·to the mass media for their contribution to presenting the Games to the world;

·and to our partners and sponsors for their support and their belief in the Olympic ideal;

·to all of you, sport-loving spectators here and television viewers around the world.

Buenos dias, Espana.

Finally I would like to express our respect to all those who he made Australia what it is today —— a great country, with special tribute to Aboriginal and Torres Strat islander people.

The Olympic Games are unique and of universal character. They unify of all origins and creed. The contribution of sport to the understanding and unity of our society is extraordinary. Sport and the Olympic Movement are also an essential part of education, which is real wealth of any country. The entire Olympic Movement would like to pay tribute to Greece, birthplace of Olympism, where the tradition goes back over 25 centuries. We would also like to honour the memory of the Frenchman Pierre de Coubertin, founder of the modern Olympic Games.

To all athletes of the world, good luck!

Thank you to Dawn Fraser for being with me?

I now he the honour of inviting the Governor General of Australia to proclaim the Games of the XXVII Olympiad in Sydney, the first Games of the new millenium. open.

急需一篇 如你是小学生,要你在奥运会开幕式上致辞,你会怎么写?

北京奥委会的叔叔阿姨: 你们好!

时间过的真快,转眼之间北京奥运会即将召开了,这是举国上下,普天同庆的大喜事,在此之际,我怀着内心无比兴奋与自豪之情给你们写信,希望本界奥运会能够圆满成功,能够为全中国带来勃勃生气,能够为全世界带来和平笑语!这是我的心愿,也是我们炎黄子孙的共同心愿!更是全世界人民的心愿!我是浙江省青田县城西小学四(3)班的一名普通学生,平时除了学习之外,我最喜欢的事就是运动了,看到中国的奥运健儿在雅典奥运会上取得的辉煌战绩,我内心热血沸腾,希望自己将来也能当一个体育运动员,为国争光。可是我现在还小,我只能在心里默默祝福了,祝福2008年奥运会,我们的奥运健儿同样能够取得骄人的成绩。当然一场成功的运动会离不开一个良好的运动环境,这就需要奥委会叔叔阿姨们和北京人民的共同努力了,精心策划,周密组织,开拓创新,共同把本界奥运会举办成一场别开生面,轰动全球的体育盛会,我们全国人民都会在背后全力支持你们! 2005年的钟声已经响起,2008年的脚步已经越来越近,在这短短的3年多时间里,我们全国人民都会和你们并肩站在一起,为了2008年奥运会的成功举行,贡献我们最大的力量,我也会在心里默默的祝福,祝福,再祝福! 此致敬礼
